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Bank Details

Account Name: IndianCare Inc.
BSB: 633000
Account Number:153999446

If you seek confirmation of your donation, please share your information with our treasurer via email

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 Your donations maintain our helpline, which supports distress callers from the community. We provide in-language support and warm referrals to these people.

Your donations make a difference

A community member reached out to IndianCare seeking a referral for legal support.


She had two children, a 10-year-old son with an intellectual disability and speech impairment, and a 12-year-old daughter with cognitive impairment. 


The client experienced physical, verbal, and mental abuse from her partner in 2020 and applied for an Intervention Order (IVO). Her son, who was 8 years of age at the time of the IVO, reported sexual abuse from the father in court.


The client is advocating for full custody of her children as they have reported feeling unsafe around their father.

We provided in-language support, information about interest-free loans for financial and legal support, and referral to a community legal service. We also referred her to a mental health counseling service as re-sharing her trauma, financial stress, and lack of legal support had negatively affected her wellbeing.

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Family members of an international student in Melbourne contacted IndianCare seeking support for their child.


Isolated and alone in Melbourne, the student had turned to drug and substance abuse. They lost their passport and were effectively stranded in Australia during this tumultuous period.

Our team was able to make contact with the student and offer material support, and connect them with the Indian Consulate in Melbourne to reissue a passport, allowing them to travel back home.

The family was reunited, and IndianCare also support the search for a rehabilitation service for the student.

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